HyTunnel-CS is designed as a highly focused pre-normative research (PNR) and innovation work. The work is structured in 8 work packages (WP).
This PNR starts from WP1 “The state-of-the-art in safety provisions for underground transportation systems and accident scenarios prioritisation”, which aims at identifying the knowledge gaps and technological bottlenecks for provision of hydrogen safety in underground transportation systems. Conclusions from WP1 will aid the refinement of the work to be implemented in the technical WPs 2-5.
An extensive experimental programme, reinforced by analytical and numerical studies, is conducted on the following research pillars:
• Effect of mitigation systems on hydrogen release and dispersion in confined spaces (WP2)
• Thermal and pressure effects of hydrogen jet fires and structure integrity (WP3)
• Explosion prevention and mitigation (WP4)
The knowledge and outcomes generated within WPs 2-4 will be translated into harmonised recommendations for intervention strategies and tactics for first responders providing conditions for their life safety and to maximise property protection during hydrogen accidents in confined spaces. This part of the work is implemented within WP 5: “First responders’ intervention strategies and tactics for hydrogen accidents in underground transportation systems and risk assessment”.
The unique project experimental, theoretical and numerical results will be synthesised in WP6 “Synthesis, outreach and dissemination” into the form of guidelines for the proper use of mitigation systems in tunnels and confined spaces, recommendations for relevant Regulations, Codes and Standards (RCS), etc. The WP will manage the dissemination of the project results to stakeholders, Standard Developing Organisations (SDOs), regulators, public, etc.
The activities in WP1-6 will be supported by WP7 “Management”, which aims at an efficient coordination and management of the project activities, to provide a smooth progress of the activities, a timely reporting and successful completion of the project.
All the activities of the project will comply EU requirements on ethics and this will be assured by WP 8 “Ethics Requirements”.