WP4 – Explosion prevention and mitigation
WP4 investigates the final research topic on “Explosion prevention and mitigation” through numerous experimental tests realised in tunnels and other confined spaces, theoretical and numerical studies on accident scenarios involving hydrogen tanks. The aim of the WP is to provide engineering tools to evaluate the associated hazards, as well as innovative preventive and mitigation solutions. The WP is led by HSE and it fulfils the following objectives:
• Improve the principal understanding of hydrogen explosion hazards in tunnels and similar confined spaces using complementarities of theoretical, numerical and experimental studies.
• Generate unique experimental data to support further development and validation of relevant physics models, simulations, hazard and risk assessment tools.
• Perform numerical simulations, including coupled CFD/FEM simulations, to support the experimental campaign and get insights into explosion phenomena consequences.
• Develop novel engineering correlations for explosion safety engineering in underground transportation systems and similar confined spaces.
• Formulate requirements to prevent occurrence of a powerful deflagration and possibility of deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) in a tunnel and its ventilation system.
• Study blast wave and fireball dynamics after hydrogen tank rupture in a tunnel and its effect on people, vehicles and structural elements.
• Identify and evaluate innovative safety strategies and engineering solutions to prevent and mitigate hydrogen explosions in underground transportation systems.
• Underpin key RCS outputs and recommendations for inherently safer use of hydrogen vehicles in underground transportation systems by PNR research on explosion.